15 Foods That Will Help You Quit Sugar Cravings Naturally

There are many negative side effects if you consume too much sugar. Your diet becomes too energy-dense thanks to refined or processed sugars that give you more calories but lack the nutrients you need. As a result, you may face serious health issues, from obesity and diabetes to tooth decay and skin troubles. In this post, I share tips to help you quit sugar naturally.

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How Can I Stop Sugar Cravings? The new year is upon us, and you may still be considering some resolutions to improve your life. Listen, you are not at all late on those New Year's resolutions. I am still deciding what my word of the year will be. Well, I wanted to jump on here to share with you one of the things that can greatly improve your life if you quit it - sugar. If you, in fact, do struggle with consuming too much sugar, this post will help you quit sugar cravings naturally. Annnnnd, quitting it for good may be an excellent New Year's resolution that drastically improves your life. What Is the Connection Between Sugar Cravings and Poor Nutrition? What Are the Side Effects of OverConsuming Sugar?

How Can I Stop Sugar Cravings?

By having a plan and a will (short answer). The new year is upon us, and you may still be considering some resolutions to improve your life. Listen, you are not at all late on those New Year’s resolutions. I am still deciding what my word of the year will be. Well, I wanted to jump on here to share with you one of the things that can greatly improve your life if you quit it – sugar. If you, in fact, do struggle with consuming too much sugar, this post will help you quit sugar cravings naturally. Annnnnd, quitting it for good may be an excellent New Year’s resolution that drastically improves your life. 😊

To be honest, quitting sugar should not only be a New Year’s resolution but a continuing resolution. Eliminating sugar is incredible for young, old, and in-between. If you’ve noticed in my recipes, I use other options to sweeten naturally rather than relying on added sugar. It might be difficult at first, but you’ll reap the benefits of cutting sugar out of your diet or at least keeping it low. Keep reading for some great tips on how to stop sugar cravings naturally. Yes, we can do it!

How Can I Stop Sugar Cravings?
The new year is upon us, and you may still be considering some resolutions to improve your life. Listen, you are not at all late on those New Year's resolutions. I am still deciding what my word of the year will be. Well, I wanted to jump on here to share with you one of the things that can greatly improve your life if you quit it - sugar. If you, in fact, do struggle with consuming too much sugar, this post will help you quit sugar cravings naturally. Annnnnd, quitting it for good may be an excellent New Year's resolution that drastically improves your life. What Is the Connection Between Sugar Cravings and Poor Nutrition? What Is Sugar? 
Sugar is a carb that gives you energy, though only the added types of sugar in sucrose are bad for you.

What Is Sugar?

Sugar is a carb that gives you energy, though only the added types of sugar in sucrose are bad for you. You’ll find natural sugars in certain foods like fruit, but the added types of sugars are the ones you need to limit and eliminate from your daily intake. Check out this CDC article on how to spot sugar in every day foods.

What Is the Connection Between Sugar Cravings and Poor Nutrition?

When you’re not eating a wholesome diet and don’t get enough protein or fiber, it can make you more prone to sugar cravings. Your body is looking for that quick energy it gets from simple sugars because your blood sugar levels are fluctuating. It creates a vicious cycle of craving these sugary foods and then eating them, which is hard to break.

What Are the Side Effects of OverConsuming Sugar?

There are many negative side effects if you consume too much sugar. Your diet becomes too energy-dense thanks to refined or processed sugars that give you more calories but lack the nutrients you need. As a result, you may face serious health issues from obesity and diabetes to tooth decay and skin troubles.

How Can I Stop Sugar Cravings? The new year is upon us, and you may still be considering some resolutions to improve your life. Listen, you are not at all late on those New Year's resolutions. I am still deciding what my word of the year will be. Well, I wanted to jump on here to share with you one of the things that can greatly improve your life if you quit it - sugar. If you, in fact, do struggle with consuming too much sugar, this post will help you quit sugar cravings naturally. Annnnnd, quitting it for good may be an excellent New Year's resolution that drastically improves your life.

15 Foods That Will Help You Quit Sugar Cravings Naturally

Quitting sugar is difficult when you crave it regularly. These 15 foods can naturally help you reduce your sugar cravings and break away from this damaging cycle.

1. Berries

These are naturally sweet while being full of antioxidants and fiber to reduce your sugary urges. Check out my blueberry 101 post to learn more about the benefits of blueberries. You can make healthy blueberry smoothie. Also, blueberry nice cream is a great substitute for ice cream.

2. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has satiating protein and is also rich in probiotics to help support your gut health. Pair it with berries for a sweet treat that is good for you too! I suggest getting plain Greek yogurt and sweetening it yourself with monk fruit sweetener or dates. You can enjoy a small bowl of yogurt as a snack, top with homemade granola.

3. Quit Sugar Cravings with Nuts

The crunch of nuts can help you replace chips and other unhealthy snacks. Nuts have healthy fats and proteins too, keeping you from snacking on sugar between your meals.

4. Avocado

Healthy fats from avocado support stabilized blood sugar levels. Avocado is versatile, perfect for smoothies, salad, etc., See my avocado 101 post to learn more about this fruit.

5. Dark Chocolate

Choose dark chocolate with a high cocoa content to get the antioxidants you need and curb sugar cravings. This one is 92% cocoa and 0% (zero) sugar!

6. Quit Sugar Cravings with Cinnamon

Cinnamon is full of natural sweetness. It equally supports blood sugar regulation. Sprinkling a little cinnamon in your oatmeal, tea, coffee, butternut squash soup goes a long way!

7. Chia Seeds

These small seeds have fiber and healthy fats, expanding in your stomach to make you feel fuller and reduce those urges for sugar. Personally, I’m not a fan of chia seeds, but when making chia pudding, I love adding Greek yogurt.

Yogurt bowl is an easy healthy breakfast idea that is packed with proteins, flavors, and deliciousness! On the positive side, this yogurt bowl recipe is super easy to put together. And on the negative side, oh well, there isn't any negative side! The best thing about making a yogurt bowl for breakfast is that they are cheap, saves time, and are easily customizable!
Yogurt and berries go well together

More Foods to Help You Quit Sugar Cravings!

8. Sweet Potatoes

Naturally sweet, enjoy these for more vitamins and fiber. Sweet potatoes is versatile! We love mashed sweet potatoes and air fryer sweet potato slices. My whole baked sweet potatoes with steak bites is my fav! Sweet potatoes is a fantastic vegetables that can help you reduce sugar cravings.

9. Legumes Can Help You Quit Sugar Cravings

Choose beans and lentils to get protein and fiber to support healthy blood sugar levels and keep those cravings for sugar to a minimum. Check out this black beans quinoa bowl. So good. We Akara, Nigerian beans fritters.

10. Leafy Greens

Give your body the essential vitamins and minerals it needs through leafy greens, and you’ll be less likely to choose sugar. There are plenty of leafy greens to choose from. Spinach is a superfood; check out my spinach berry salad. Also, there is arugula; see my Fuji apple salad with arugula. Everyone loves this pomegranate arugula salad! Spring Mix is another type of leafy greens we love here! See my popular spring mix salad with chicken breast and my walnut blue cheese salad with spring mix!

11. Quit Sugar Cravings with Citrus

Tangy and sweet, you get a burst of fiber and vitamin C that will energize you rather than make you sluggish. Check out my citrus vitamin C smoothie, and citrus salad dressing both perfect for helping you quit sugar cravings.

12. Coconut

Get the energy you need while controlling cravings with this naturally sweet fruit. Also, coconut sugar is a great substitute for table sugar.

13. Eggs

Rich in protein, you’ll feel satisfied when you eat eggs and reduce your chances of needing sugary snacks. Check out my baked egg cups and this colorful egg casserole. The perfect meal to help you quit sugar cravings naturally.

14. Quinoa

Get protein and fiber that will help keep blood sugar levels balanced to prevent cravings. See how to cook quinoa from scratch. I have this festive quinoa, beets, and butternut squash bowl.

15. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Have some before a meal or use it as a salad dressing base to get rid of your desire for sugar. Check out my post on 25 uses of ACV and how you can incorporate it into your diet to help you reduce sugar cravings. The dressing for the salad below was made using apple cider vinegar.

Super healthy and easy-to-make strawberry blueberry spinach salad, aka berry spinach salad with lime olive oil vinaigrette, is loaded with nutritious antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Amazingly this spinach and berry salad calls for only a few ingredients - spinach, strawberries, blueberries, walnuts, and a simple lime olive oil vinaigrette! This strawberry blueberry spinach is low-carb, gluten-free, vegan, and easily customizable. #Salad #Spinachsalad #healthysalad #Strawberrysalad #detoxsalad #vegan #lowcarb

Health Benefits of Quitting Sugar

Quit sugar today, and you can save your health tomorrow. You’ll enjoy many benefits including weight loss, healthier teeth, reduced inflammation, better skin, better sleep, improved mood and cognitive function, and reduced risk for diabetes.

I know it’s hard, but make it your goal to reduce sugar in your day-to-day for these long-term benefits. When you choose the foods I listed above, you’ll be on your way to making the best changes for your health

FAQs: How to Eliminate Sugar Cravings:

What foods flush sugar out of your system?

There isn’t a single food that can flush sugar away, and your body needs glucose in its natural forms to function. Drinking more water and eating plenty of fiber can be helpful though.

What should I eat to stop eating sugar?

In addition to fiber, eat more protein. Both of these things can help you feel fuller for longer and more energized, which will help you break out of that vicious sugar cycle.

What do I eat when I crave sugar?

Check out my list above and choose something naturally sweet from it when those cravings strike. For example, grab plain Greek yogurt and top it with some fresh berries and unsweetened coconut shreds for a healthy parfait.

What happens after 2 weeks of no sugar?

Since everyone is different and timing will vary, generally after 2 weeks of no sugar, you’ll start seeing the benefits. Your skin will look healthier, you’ll be in a better mood, and you’ll sleep better. You’ll also notice you crave sugar so much less and will be taking the right steps to take control of your life!

How Can I Stop Sugar Cravings? Yes you can. The new year is upon us, and you may still be considering some resolutions to improve your life. Listen, you are not at all late on those New Year's resolutions. I am still deciding what my word of the year will be. Well, I wanted to jump on here to share with you one of the things that can greatly improve your life if you quit it - sugar. If you, in fact, do struggle with consuming too much sugar, this post will help you quit sugar cravings naturally. Annnnnd, quitting it for good may be an excellent New Year's resolution that drastically improves your life. What Is the Connection Between Sugar Cravings and Poor Nutrition?

More Healthy Lifestyle/Wellness Related Posts To Check Out:

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How Can I Stop Sugar Cravings? The new year is upon us, and you may still be considering some resolutions to improve your life. Listen, you are not at all late on those New Year's resolutions. I am still deciding what my word of the year will be. Well, I wanted to jump on here to share with you one of the things that can greatly improve your life if you quit it - sugar. If you, in fact, do struggle with consuming too much sugar, this post will help you quit sugar cravings naturally. Annnnnd, quitting it for good may be an excellent New Year's resolution that drastically improves your life.

THANKS FOR STOPPING BY! Stay well, safe and keep living your life to the fullest!

Nkechi Ajaeroh's blog nkechiajaeroh.com for healthy food recipes, and healthy living. tips.

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