Make Time for Dinner
More Than 30 Healthy Dinner Menu Recipes to Make Your Own way!
Ever wondered how to know what to cook for Sunday dinners? Never ever run out of healthy recipe ideas to make again – enjoy healthier and tasty restaurant-quality dishes in the comfort of your home, impressively made by you!
Reasons to Make Dinners at Home:
My Personal Journey
After the kids came, my husband and I decided it would be nice to start a new tradition. And one of those traditions was doing a once-a-week Sunday dinner at one of the local favorite restaurants.
Initially, this was a fantastic, sweet idea; however, as we became consistent in the weekly Sunday dinners, we noticed that dinners weren’t that cheap! Averagely, every Sunday after such dinner, we pay $140-$150. And at the end of the month, we have spent $600 and more on restaurant dinners.
Remember, our goal for the weekly dinners was to build a family bond and enjoy each other’s company. Unfortunately, my husband and I weren’t too fond of the idea of the high-ticket restaurant bills! To be honest, it was starting to dig into our pockets.
The turning point
Then, my eyes opened because I realized we could make Sunday dinners at home. Actually, we can bond better by cooking and all hands being on deck. I felt very accomplished after our very first family Sunday dinner at home. We ate and had leftovers. Annnnd it was waaaayyyyy cheaper! I became a believer.
So, if you are nervous about cooking or creating a creative family tradition surrounding authentic family dinners, I’m here to tell you that I was, too, initially. However, it is easy and really helps the family to bond in a fantastic way! The best thing is that You do not have to scratch your head for dinner recipes. You will have my tested and tried recipes.
Make Time for Dinner is created to help you easily make tasty healthy meals for you and your family! This will set you up to enjoy more nutritious and delicious restaurant-quality dishes in the comfort of your home and impressively made by YOU!
You will save Money, Eat Healthy, and Make Time for Dinner!
I get it planning dinners can be daunting, but
Below is just a handful of the delicious dinners you’ll enjoy when you join the ‘Make Time for Dinner’ program. Each meal is a blend of taste and convenience, specially selected to enrich your dinner experience.

This valuable resource is available as a downloadable PDF, offering you an extensive A-Z healthy dinner menu recipes collection.
Save Money, Eat Healthy, and Make Time for Dinner!
Make Time for Dinner

Never ever run out of healthy recipe ideas to make again. Enjoy Healthier + Tasty restaurant quality dishes in the comfort of your home and impressively made by YOU!
Dinners are unarguably one of the most important meals of the day. It is a time when families gather around the dinner table and enjoy the last meal of the day in the company of each other. Many modern families are busy during the day, and the only time they have is the evening at the dinner table.
I’m giving you my tried and tested dinner recipes in the form of a downloadable PDF. This valuable resource will help you create unending, tasty, and more nutritious dinners for less than what you would normally pay for a dinner plate in a restaurant.
Are you ready for dinner transformation?NEED TO HEAR IT STRAIGHT FROM OUR HAPPY CAMPERS:
Nabi says:
“What I love is that Kechi has found a way to present cooking in a way that is not intimidating and achievable for everyone, including busy professionals. Through her recipes and cooking demonstrations, she shows that there is always time for a healthy, delicious meal.”
Victoria Says:
“Kechi’s recipes are nutritiously delicious and simple to make. I am not a big fan of taking the whole day to cook, but following her and watching her videos judiciously, I have found out that I can make healthy, delicious, hassle-free meals.โ
A Public Health Promotion Expert with a Master’s Degree in Public Health. The creator of The Juice Approach and the author of Make Time for Dinner!
Hi, I’m Kechi!
My greatest passion is helping you navigate your healthy lifestyle as a busy career woman. After receiving my Master’s in Public Health, I thought working in my local health department would be my calling. But really, serving you directly in this online space gives me immense joy and a sense of achievement.
Developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be daunting, and I know from personal experience that dinners are unarguably one of the most important meals of the day. It is a time when families gather around the dinner table and enjoy the last meal of the day in the company of each other.
With over 30 Healthy Dinner Recipes, Make Time for Dinner is created to help you never ever run out of healthy recipe ideas to make again! I hope you enjoy these healthier + tasty restaurant-quality dishes in the comfort of your home and impressively made by YOU!
Happy Cooking!
xoxo, Kechi
It is cheaper to eat at home than to eat out
You can save hundreds/thousands with home-cooked dinners.