Coronavirus Pandemic: What to know
What is coronavirus, also known as COVID-19? Unless you are living under a rock or in another planet, you may have heard about the new pandemic in modern history – coronavirus. This virus originated in Wuhan China towards the ending of 2019, and as of today, April 04, 2020, it has spread to a total…

What is coronavirus, also known as COVID-19?
Unless you are living under a rock or in another planet, you may have heard about the new pandemic in modern history – coronavirus. This virus originated in Wuhan China towards the ending of 2019, and as of today, April 04, 2020, it has spread to a total of 135 countries, and the cases are now more than 1.1million. And almost 60 000 people have died. Also, about 230 000 people have recovered from this disease. Currently, here in the United States, there are more than 305 934 cases of coronavirus, 8306 deaths, while about 14686 have made a full recovery. This information is from John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.
Latest pandemic in modern history.
On March 11, 2020, The World Health Organization declared coronavirus a pandemic.
According to the WHO, “Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.”
This disease is a “new strain” that until now never seen in humans. Sadly, there is no medicine. The scientists are working around the clock to establish the origin of this disease as well as develop a cure.
A pandemic: what does this really mean?
“A pandemic is a worldwide spread of a new disease.” By declaring this new disease, a pandemic hopefully all countries (especially those affected) can take it more seriously, and continue to adhere to WHO’s advice. With the absence of the COVID-19 vaccine, WHO is asking the countries to move more aggressively to “detect, test, treat, isolate, trace and mobilize their people.” Most countries are moving to declare National Emergencies; some hard-hit countries like America, Italy and Spain have decreed “lockdowns.” The United States has declared a National Emergency.
Symptoms of coronavirus.
The symptoms of the coronavirus are related to those of common flu, according to experts. However, this differs from person to person. Some of the symptoms may include runny nose, headaches, cough, sore throat, fever, stomach flu, etc. The people with a compromised immune system may have experienced the worst-case scenarios dealing with this disease, as well as the young and elderly. Get more information about the symptoms from WHO and CDC.
How does coronavirus spread?
This disease spreads like wildfire from person to person.
- It can spread through coughing,
- Shaking hands,
- Touching an infected object or surface, and then touching your face, mouth or nose before washing your hands.
- Having close contact with an infected person puts you at a high risk of been infected.
- There are also speculations that this virus can leave up seven days on the sole of footwear, and it can even spread through merely talking.
How to protect yourself (and others around you) from coronavirus.
While the scientist work day and night to develop a vaccine to cure coronavirus, the WHO is asking you, and I to do these five things to avoid the spread of this deadly virus:
- Wash your hands often and up to 20 seconds with soap and warm (and if you can hot) water.
- Avoid touching your face, which includes eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands. Especially if you have just gone outside, and perhaps touched some surfaces.
- Avoid going to crowded areas, or been in contact with sick people.
- Feel like coughing? Always cough into your elbow.
- And if you feel sick, please stay home and hydrate.
- Social distancing; staying at least 6ft from the next person even if it is at the store. Learn more social distancing in the era of coronavirus, and why you must socially distance until further notice.
- Lastly, yesterday the president of the United States, announced during his coronavirus daily briefing that the CDC now recommends that people wear masks when they go outside, say, the grocery store or any other essential errands.
I will also like to add that if you do go outside for walks and run a lot, make sure to spray your shoes with disinfectant when you get home. Especially if you live in Coronavirus “hot spot” areas like New York, Louisiana, Illinois, Michigan, Florida, etc., it may help to put your mind at rest.
More facts about Coronavirus.
- There is no vaccine yet.
- This virus is deadlier than regular flu.
- Prevention is always better than cure (and sadly currently there isn’t any cure).
- Asymptotic people can spread this virus, so stay away from the crowd and people even if they do not look sick.
- And stay away from people that have a fever or are sick.
- Drinking bleach or any other dangerous disinfectant will not prevent Coronavirus.
- Houseflies do not transmit Coronavirus. Get more Coronavirus facts from WHO and CDC
Some of the things my family and I are currently doing.
[bctt tweet=”Healthy immune system remains your best defense against any infection and re-infections. Now more than ever is a great time to make better food choices.” username=”NkechiAjaeroh”]
With the understanding that coronavirus attacks the body’s immune system mercilessly, I am now more intentional when it comes to food. We are continuing to choose foods that will boost our immunity. Alongside food are vitamins, I take one-a-day women multivitamin, and also airborne vitamin C supplement. Please take care of yourself; at least you can always count on you. While some foods (like sugar) can suppress the immune system, there are tons of other foods that can strengthen your immunity defense system, and hopefully protect you from this disease or any other one.
Some immune boosting foods include: Garlic, Blueberries, Spinach, Sweet potatoes, Watermelon, and everything else listed here, plus more! Bottom line, we are what we eat!
On the other hand, processed (refined) sugar found in most desserts, sugary drinks, bad diet in general, lack of sleep, stress, nicotine or smoking, alcohol consumption, loneliness could adversely affect can suppress the immune system.
Fortunately, there are always healthy alternatives for dessert. Perhaps a cup of Greek yogurt and homemade granola, dates, nuts, whole fruits, baked fruits, etc. Relatively, read food labels to ensure that some of your kitchen essentials like ketchup, mustard, and other dressings have no added sugars.
I have been thinking of ways that I can help. I wish that I can personally cook healthy immunity-boosting meals and deliver to all my friends, including you. But that’s kind of impossible! Cause I can’t – my kids are home (schools are closed due to Coronavirus). My primary responsibility is now to be their mama and homeschool them until this whole thing is over. Hopefully, the end of the school year is near! 😂😂😂
But you can get my 21 immune-boosting recipes for only $5.00 until April 7th, 2020 then it becomes $7.00
While I urge you to stay informed about the entire situation, please do not be overwhelmed by it. This is a season to learn, and I believe we would come out of this situation bigger and better.
Do not forget to grab the recipe here. When you do, you will be immediately taken to a download page after you complete your transaction. Please let me know if this didn’t happen, do give me up to 24 hours to respond.
I hope you stay home and safe.
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