There are several benefits of celery juice, and doing a celery juice cleanse can unlock them for you! A celery juice cleanse is a natural detox that can help you maintain your digestive health, blood pressure, blood sugar, flush out fats in the liver, improve your bone health, and help maintain your overall health. Naturally detoxing your body with celery juice cleanse (or juicing in general) is an excellent clean eating habit to emulate.
2 bags of celery stalks (I used the one called “celery heart” but it doesn’t matter)
1 bunch of parsley
2 – 3 cups of Fresh Spinach
2 apples
Good amount of ginger
1 lemon
- Wash and cut the vegetables accordingly except the spinach, and parsley.
- Juice the vegetables in your juicer.
- Pour into a big cup or pitcher and stir together before serving.
- Serve immediately for best result.