Whether you are planning on entertaining your immediate family or welcoming guest, this minty watermelon, carrot and cucumber drink is perfect. Both nutritious and delicious! A must try, serve with ice for the bestest tates!
- 2 cups of watermelon
- ¾ cup of cut carrot
- ½ cup of cut cucumber
- 3 fresh mint leaves
- 1-tablespoon fresh ginger
- 1 cup of water
- 1-teaspoon honey (optional, didn’t add it to mine)
- Place the ingredients into your blender, not a food processor. I love my blender (affiliate link). Be sure to add the 1 cup of water as well.
- Blend it up until everything is smooth; now don’t blend it too long to avoid it becoming a sauce.
- Place your drainer in a bowl and pour your juicy goodness through, gently separating the pulp from the drink. You can stir or press the pulp inside the drainer to get out all the “juice.”
- Woo-hoo! Your minty watermelon cucumber lightweight drink is ready. This recipe makes about 32 -oz that is 4 (8 oz. cups/jars). This drink is best enjoyed with ice.
You can use a “juicer” instead of a blender, and it would come out perfectly fine. You will probably need more ingredients for that. But personally, I love to make this drink the old fashion way.
This recipe makes about 32 -oz that is 4 (8 oz. cups/jars). This drink is best enjoyed with ice.